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A must-see for car paint colorists - the location of some car color numbers

Friends often ask where to find the color number of a certain car? The editor specially collected the color number position map of some models from the Internet and forwarded it to you for reference.

1. Benz

2. BMW

3. Audi

4. Porsche

5. Dodge

6. Lexus

7. Ford

8. Rolls Royce

9. Renault

10. Toyota

11. Honda

12. Nissan

13. Mazda

14. Suzuki

15. Jaguar/Land Rover

16. Opel

17. Morning

18. Modern

19. Kia

20. Mitsubishi

21. Subaru

22. Three common names

23. Volvo

24. Peugeot

25. Volkswagen

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