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The three elements of color

1. Color has hue (hue):

Base Name: Purple...Blue...Green...Yellow...Orange...Red

But hue alone cannot define all colors.

These hues (basic colors) can be mixed into a variety of hues.

Hue embodies the relationship of color in terms of "quality".

The same hue can be darker and lighter, so the color still has lightness.

2. Brightness (black and white, brightness):

Color can also vary due to purity, brightness, and turbidity.

Lightness refers to the difference between the depth and lightness of the color itself, which reflects the difference in the "quantity" of the color.

Brightness: refers to the difference in depth, light and shade of the color itself due to the difference in the intensity of light exposure.

3. Chroma (saturation, chroma):

The degree to which the color itself is close to the standard color. The higher the chroma, the more vivid the color, which is also called vividness.

How close a color is to a standard color on the spectrum. The higher the level of standard color, the brighter the color and the higher the purity.

To distinguish the purity of a color, it mainly depends on its brightness or turbidity. The color turbidity is due to the incorporation of white or black in the pigment, and the direct or indirect incorporation of the standard.

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