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SC-900-super diamond oil

SC-900-super diamond oil

Product ID SC-900

Introduction: High solid content, good leveling, high brightness, high hardness, rapid drying, rapid hardness rise in the morning, bright paint film appearance, good permeability, long-lasting gloss and excellent weather resistance.

  • Details

Features: High solid content, good leveling, high brightness, high hardness, rapid drying, rapid rise in hardness in the morning, bright paint film appearance, good permeability, long-lasting gloss, and excellent weather resistance.

Mixing ratio: SC-900 super diamond oil, 2 parts; SH-680 super hard curing agent, 1 part; ST-375-2 thinner, 0.3~0.5 parts

Spray: Two single coats or one single plus one double, flash dry for 10 minutes between coats

Drying: 25℃, no sticky dust for 40 minutes, can be assembled for 12 hours; 60℃, no sticky dust for 10 minutes, can be assembled for 40 minutes

Service life: 25℃, 4 hours

Polishing: Recommended after overnight drying

Packaging specifications: 1L*12, 5L*4

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