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SP-4530-Silver powder front and side control agent

SP-4530-Silver powder front and side control agent

Product ID SP-4530

Introduction: Help 1K silver powder paint to whiten the sides, make the metal particles more sparkling, make the front of the silver powder paint slightly gray, the silver powder particles become slightly larger, and the sides are lighter and cleaner.

  • Details

Features: Help 1K silver powder paint to whiten the sides, make the metal particles more sparkling, make the front of the silver powder paint slightly gray, the silver powder particles become slightly larger, and the sides are lighter and cleaner.

Blending ratio: The more you add, the whiter and more flickering the side of the silver powder paint will be. Generally, it is recommended to add 5~10% of the total formula. If it exceeds 15%, it will easily cause the silver powder paint to bloom.

Packaging Specifications: 1L*12

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