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Color Notes

In the field of painting technology, the most difficult part is color matching. Before toning, it is necessary to identify how many color masterbatches the color is synthesized from, and at the same time, make sure that the color and luster spray paint after these masterbatches are adjusted will be the same as the requirements. If a master wants to be able to color, he must have a deep understanding of the paint masterbatch: such as color mixing, hiding power, and concentration, weather resistance, transparency and other characteristics. It is not only necessary to choose the correct primary color, but also to adjust the appropriate amount in a shorter period of time. Sometimes the color is the same when viewed from one angle, but the color is different when viewed from another angle.

With the advancement of modern science and technology, computers and optical auxiliary analysis instruments are quite developed. The computer can correctly calculate the primary color formula table for the color matching of paint, and then use the weighing method to adjust the color. However, it is based on the amount of the primary color of the new car. Most of the repaired vehicles have faded or their luster has weakened due to ultraviolet radiation. Errors are inevitable; after spraying on the vehicle, there may be colors that are inconsistent with surrounding colors The same situation still needs to be overcome by human experience.

Specifically, the following should be noted:

1. In order to achieve the best color matching effect, all color masterbatches must be fully stirred before they can be installed on the mixer;

2. Before the mixer starts to mix paint every morning/afternoon, it must be mixed for 15 minutes before it can be mixed with paint;

3. To replace any color masterbatch, it must be thoroughly stirred before placing it on the mixer;

4. The color masterbatch on the formula should be used as much as possible during any fine-tuning, so as not to affect the durability of the color;

5. It is more difficult to fine-tune individual silver powder paint and pearl paint. It is recommended to use the porting process to avoid wasting time;

6. Carefully adjust the amount of diluent, too much diluent will make the color lighter, and after the diluent is added, it is difficult to remove;

7. When color matching, rough wax should be applied first to make the color matching closer;

8. As much as possible in the daytime where the color is full of light.

The correct way of masterbatch and tool management:

1. Stir for ten minutes after going to work every day;

2. Stir thoroughly before use;

3. The color masterbatch cover should be tightly closed at any time, and avoid placing it in a place with high temperature or exposure to strong sunlight;

4. The electronic scale must be placed horizontally, and the machine should be warmed up for five minutes before use;

5. After the color matching is completed, it should be fully stirred immediately.

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