
Poor Gloss (Foggy)

The glossy coating does not dry to the desired gloss or the coating appears glossy and hazy shortly after application.


(1) The amount of diluent added is too much.

(2) The absorption of the coating on the surface to be coated is large and uneven.

(3) The coated surface is rough and uneven.

(4) Insufficient ventilation during over-drying or drying, and the paint has poor anti-fouling gas resistance.

(5) The spray mist is attached or caused by no paint.

(6) Polish the coating that can be polished before it is dry.

(7) Coating in high temperature, high humidity or extremely low temperature environment.


(1) Use thinner in proportion as required by the manufacturer.

(2) Apply the corresponding primer paint to eliminate the absorption or uneven absorption of the face-to-face paint.

(3) Careful grinding (pay attention to the grinding direction and the choice of sandpaper grade) to eliminate the roughness of the coated surface.

(4) Strictly abide by the prescribed drying conditions, and the drying room should be properly ventilated.

(5) Pay attention to the spraying procedure to ensure uniform thickness and reduce the adhesion of spray mist.

(6) The polishing process should be carried out after the coating is dry.

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