
Floating Color, Color Separation

The difference in particle size, shape, density, dispersibility, cohesion, etc. of various pigments in the coating makes the pigment distribution on the surface and the lower layer of the paint film uneven, and the color tone of each section is different. The color of the paint film is the same, but the hue of the wet film and the dry film is very different.


Color floating and color blooming are closely related to the convection phenomenon generated during the process of the paint film. Therefore, the unreasonable formulation of the paint and the unreasonable paint-making process are the main reasons for these two drawbacks.

(1) When painting a multi-color paint containing more than two kinds of pigments, due to the different volatilization of the solvent on the inner and outer surfaces of the coating, convection is prone to cause color floating.

(2) The density of the pigment in the coating varies greatly.

(3) Inappropriate selection of coating methods and equipment.


(1) Improve the paint formulation and paint-making process (such as selecting pigments that are not easy to float and easy to disperse, improving the dispersion process of pigments, etc.).

(2) Adding an anti-floating agent, such as silicone oil, has a significant effect on preventing color floating.

(3) Select the appropriate coating method and equipment, and do not spray too thick at one time.

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