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Haoyu Technology "Green Win-Win Water-Based First" Waterborne Automotive Refinish Coating Exchange Conference

PubDate:2018-04-26   Author:   Views:1406

On April 21, the "Green Win-Win ? Water-Based First" Haoyu Technology Waterborne Automotive Refinish Coating Exchange Conference was successfully held in Qingyuan National High-tech Zone, South China 863 Science and Technology Innovation Park. More than 20 dealer representatives who attended this meeting praised Haoyu water-based refinish paint after understanding and actually feeling it. This meeting marked Haoyu Technology's entry into a new journey!

Product introduction of water-based automotive coatings and product introduction of water-based automotive coatings

Everyone at the meeting listened carefully to the record

Everyone at the meeting listened carefully to the record


Comparison of color renderings of customer's on-site practical demonstration

Liu Junwei, Asia-Pacific Service Technology Manager, will give you on-site operations, demonstrations and exchanges

Liu Junwei, Asia-Pacific Service Technology Manager, will give you on-site operations, demonstrations and exchanges

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